“Krasny Kotelshchik” improves the quality of the metallographic examinations
The Taganrog Boiler-Making Works “Krasny Kotelshchik” (TKZ) has commissioned a new polishing machine. It is intended for making the test sections for metallographic examinations under the current projects.
The main function of the polishing machine is to polish steel and other alloy test specimens for further microanalysis. This process involves application of the state-of-the art polishing means which make it possible to get top quality micro sections that meet standard requirements. The test sections prepared using the new polisher can be immediately used for metallographic structure examination.
The polishing machine was purchased under the Investment Program implemented in the Works. The polisher operates in the TKZ Central Test Laboratory. Lab technicians say that it is one of the most balanced tools for the test specimen preparation. This machine features optimal rotational speed and motor power. It has a magnet to allow for easy positioning and changing of the polishing discs. The polishing machine is low noise, with robust design of the case and supports able to damp vibrations.
Volumetric ferrite meter is another piece of equipment purchased under the Investment Program. This equipment is used for mandatory ferritic phase monitoring in the base metals and weld joints for NPP projects. The ferritic phase is formed during crystallization of austenite steels and has impact on the steel properties such as ductility, corrosion and crack resistance which determine the final performance parameters of the product. Ferritic phase is measured in the Central Test Laboratory.
The ferrite meter is provided with certified reference standards having various ferritic phase content. These reference standards are used for equipment calibration. The ferrite meter has an LCD display showing operating modes and measurement results to ensure effective inspection of TKZ products.