Boiler of “Krasny Kotelshchik” is being erected at Izhevsk CHPP-2
The erection of a steam boiler made by the Taganrog Boiler-Making Works “Krasny Kotelshchik” (TKZ) is being carried out at the largest power generating enterprise in Udmurtia. The equipment has been delivered to the critical power facility under the government program for rehabilitation of thermal power plants.
The erection readiness of the TKZ Boiler is 75%. Its main equipment pitching has been completed: the drum, furnace and convection shaft water walls, water economizer and superheater walls, etc. There have been mounted an external tubular air heater and gas duct, which will supply main fuel (natural gas) to the boiler.
The remaining 25% of works include erection of integral pipelines, fuel oil lines, gas-air ducts, main and auxiliary equipment thermal insulation and brickwork, installation of electric equipment, thermal displacement indicator and C&I.
The modern Boiler manufactured by “Krasny Kotelshchik” is to be erected at the operating power plant into the existing boiler cell. TKZ provides for the erection supervision, including all required inspection by the Taganrog supervising engineer. Upon completion of works and commissioning, the new boiler will produce 540 TPH. If compared to the previous model, that one’s steam generation scope was 420 TPH.
Increased steam capacity is not a single requirement to the TKZ Boiler. Izhevsk CHPP-2 modernization involves installation of compact, efficient and environmentally friendly equipment, which meets contemporary power industry trends. Plant renovation is aimed at increase in its capability, including boiler efficiency. This is completely ensured by “Krasny Kotelshchik” Boiler with the efficiency of 96%.